Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Cat Anatomy Videos!!!!!

All of these video are awesome 6 and 7 seem to be repeats of one another and show you the arm in two different ways... kinda. Solid stuff here, they do make some mistakes, but thankfully the group seems to be really on top of it and catches their mistakes.

List of Words from the Board

Thank you (I.T.) for emailing these I'll get these up to you guys now:
  1. Infraspinatus
  2. Teres Major
  3. Peroneous
  4. Iliacus Major
  5. Tennissimus
 I think this is in the cat, but not the human?
  1. Xiphihumeralis
  2. Pectoantebrachialis
  3. Tennuissimus
  4. Caudofermoarlis
  5. Epitrochlearis

Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves

All Lecture in the .amr format can be played with quicktime, which comes standard with iTunes or your can just download it for free I believe. The basic free version should do the trick if you guys were having trouble with it.

Tonight's Lecture

Nervous System (Overview)

Nervous System Link

Belated Muscle Posts (Cat)

Cat Muscle (One)

and then he "said a few words about cat muscles"
Cat Muscle (Two)

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Sorry for the lag time on getting the new lecture up, I've been swamped if I don't get it up by tomorrow send me a message on facebook.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Anatomy Bones Lecture Day 2 Rest of the Skeletal System

Sorry for the late add today guys. Next time we put a skelley together We need to take a picture. Also as a side note we never looked at Patellas so make sure you guys know that. I think the secret is that it leans medially and the pointy part always faces down whilst on a flat surface of course. That means that that part is going to articulate with the median condyle in the femur right? You know how to find me!
My Facebook of Course!

Link to Audio File:
Bones Round 2!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Anatomy "Epethilium and Connective Tissue"

Able to download if you scroll down to the bottom of the page should be in a blue link. I will work on a way to just embed it into this page if that would be easier let me know!

Epethelium and Connective Tissue Download

Anatomy "Cells" Lecture

Sorry for the ads that are present on this site turned out to be the best way to post it up though!
Cell's Download Lecture